Compassion on a knife's edge
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Supported player count

Supported player count range.

Estimated first play time

Estimated time to learn and play your first game in minutes.

Suggested player age in years

Estimated age range in years.

Component Requirements

Current component requirements of design excluding rules and box.

Ready to play

Game should be playable without guidance.

Playable with guidance

Playtests available with Xoe's guidance. Contact to try!

Unstable Design

Early stage design with little testing done.

Seeking publishers for most designs
Where you play as dinosaurs playing human games til the end.

A comet is on the horizon, and how you and your dinosaur friends cope with Human games is all that matters now.

Following the Human game rules… not so much.

A real-time meta improv party game about the right (wrong) way to play games.

Signed with Hollandspiele!

Ready to play

For sale!

Component Requirements
Standard Cards
Supported player count
Estimated first play time
5+ Min
Suggested player age in years
A Victorian courtship game of deduction, catfishing, and concessions.

You’ve recently met some eligible suitors, full of potential wealth 💎, standing 👑, and passion 🌹. You’ve detailed your desires in your diary, and now you must discern who meets your needs by reading the trait cards they mail you.

Your cards describe actions, but only the players you court will perform them. Each round, you share a card with a player, and they’ll choose which of your cards to leverage. When you find the one, send them your ring! They must reciprocate for you two to become engaged, so you must persuade them you’re compatible with their desires!

A multi-victor info sharing deduction game.

Working with Wehrlegig Games to publish.

Featured on the Board Game Community Show Podcast.

Reviewed by Space Biff and rated 3rd best trauma game of 2022!

Ready to play

Working with a publisher

Component Requirements
Standard Cards
Micro Card Tokens
Supported player count
Estimated first play time
60 Min
Suggested player age in years
In which you build infrastructure for sustenance.

The world’s resources are depleting at a critical time, and you need the right infrastructure to survive. Burn resources to fuel your tools. Gather and build to secure bread. There’s enough for all… in theory…

While in your hand, your cards are just resources. In your tableau, they provide effects as your built cards:

🔥 Requires you to discard cards

🚚 Lets you to take & draw more

🏭 Lets you add to your built cards

🧱️ Impede actions to/from others

🍞 Removes your 🔥, and is also how you win the game.

A multi-victor tableau engine builder.

Bread was initially designed as a tweet game for the Micro Fiction Game Jam and for the BGG Traditional Deck Contest.

Ready to play

Needs more unguided tests

Component Requirements
Mini Cards
Tarot Cards
Supported player count
Estimated first play time
40 Min
Suggested player age in years
Resolve a grim quarrel with your “happily ever after”

Shortly after your “happily ever after,” the two of you, the stable stalwart and the free spirited idealist, come to an impasse.

Change your friend’s mind by shifting cards of your suit into their deck, choosing which to keep for their effect. Can you cooperate for a mutual agreement, or will you dominate the story?

An 18 card semi cooperative deck builder.

Illustrator - Devora Johns

Sensitivity Consultant - Nikki Valens

Conviction was a finalist in the 2021 Life.Love. Game Design Challenge.

Ready to play

Needs more unguided tests

Component Requirements
Standard Cards
Wooden Discs
Supported player count
Estimated first play time
15 Min
Suggested player age in years
Find a group that vibes in time for art class!

Organize is game that starts with two players, but tries to include the rest of an unrelated covid conscious gathering.

The Boss seeks to maintain the status quo. You'll stop your friend from organizing the unsuspecting party attendees into a formidable force by firing suspicious guests and promoting loyal friends into ally Bosses.

The Organizer is here to make a statement. You'll recruit attendees who are sympathetic to your efforts into accomplice Organizers. Orchestrate a plan to rise up and win!

A social deduction party game.

Playable with guidance

Needs guided playtesting

Component Requirements
Standard Cards
Supported player count
Estimated first play time
15 Min
Suggested player age in years
A subversive party infiltration game about organizing against management.

Organize is game that starts with two players, but tries to include the rest of an unrelated covid conscious gathering.

The Boss seeks to maintain the status quo. You'll stop your friend from organizing the unsuspecting party attendees into a formidable force by firing suspicious guests and promoting loyal friends into ally Bosses.

The Organizer is here to make a statement. You'll recruit attendees who are sympathetic to your efforts into accomplice Organizers. Orchestrate a plan to rise up and win!

A social deduction party game.

Ready to play

Needs unguided playtesting

Component Requirements
Flyer Sheet
Business Cards
Supported player count
Estimated first play time
Suggested player age in years
A 1 vs many evidence analysis game.

A devious conspirator is carefully crafting a web of influence over this city. Only a ragtag group of sleuths have taken notice, gathering traces of evidence left in their wake. It will only take one key piece of evidence to bring down the conspirator’s master plan.

With every examination, the conspirator prepares and schemes. They’ll run out the clock, rig evidence, and even disrupt the sleuths’ lives. A sleuth may find their loyalties align with the conspirator’s ambitions, and even sabotage the investigation to aid them. Will you unravel this web of conspiracy, or help weave it?

A 2 team asymmetric logic puzzle and deduction game

Playable with guidance

Needs guided playtesting

Component Requirements
Standard Cards
Small Tokens
Supported player count
Estimated first play time
30 Min
Suggested player age in years
The only person standing in your way is yourself. Your past and future selves.

Dear diary,

today a lady who looks like mom cosplaying sailor moon told me that im a girl. yeah right i wish! anyways thats not even the weirdest part. diary i can see the future! i feel like i can change the future! but sailor mom keeps getting in the way of me becoming a zillionaire. she doesnt even like zillionaires she says theyre bad guys. how do I get her stop. How do I get her listen? She's making a huge mistake, she's too young to be messing with the spacetime continuum. She's started a domino that she, or I guess we, will regret for the rest of ours lives. Maybe I can work with th-

A timeline control game

Butterfly was designed partly for a Break My Game Jam and expanded on during Nonepub 2023 game jam.

Playable with guidance

Needs guided playtesting

Component Requirements
Standard Cards
Small Tokens
Supported player count
Estimated first play time
~30 Min?
Suggested player age in years
One Lucid Dream
One Lucid Dream
Inside You are 2+ wolves, trying to self reflect.

A fever dream of a shared bag building induction game within a dream of a...

Inside You are 2+ wolves. You are the wolves within Your dream trying to self reflect.

Each dream adds different rules, but each dream will always end with 3 tiles in a row.

Your wolf wants 3 tiles in a specific order, but doesn’t know which or where. With each dream you get hints.

Try to figure it out before You wake up.

A multi-victor shared bag builder induction game.

One Lucid Dream was designed as part of a Non-Hierarchical Break My Game Jam.

Playable with guidance

Needs guided playtesting

Component Requirements
Standard Cards
Small Tokens
Supported player count
Estimated first play time
Suggested player age in years
A "legacy trick taking" game of advocating under an owl-igarchy.

Note, the video is for an outdated version.

Fight for shape representation as advocates with intersecting shapes. Play across multiple generations, starting with one built by ⭐️ bellied owls. Can you guide your hand of owl cards towards acceptance?

Each generation consists of about 4 games, and each game is made up of about 6 tricks. Each trick, players will either closet a card to remove it from their hand, or reveal a card. Revealed cards add to their shape’s visibility score, with shapes in parliament giving a bonus each trick. All cards of the winning shapes are ✅ accepted, and all other cards are ❌ rejected.

The player with the most accepted cards adds one to parliament as the winner, which will shape the rules and bonuses for future generations. What legacy will you leave behind in your fight for opacity?

A competitive "legacy trick taking" game.

Opacity was designed as part of the Small Game Big Theme Game Jam and also a Break My Game Jam.

Unstable Design

Playable, Deferred Design

Component Requirements
Standard Cards
Supported player count
Estimated first play time
45 Min
Suggested player age in years
A horror seduction flip & write.

You are two strangers, stuck in the same place. Could be worse though, you feel a bit of a spark! If you play your cards right, maybe they'll feel the same way you do. But hopefully they don't get the wrong idea... what if they're dangerous?

You start with a score sheet and an attraction card. The attraction card’s dark sidebar shows your feelings towards the other player:

💚 Platonic

🌸 Romantic

💋 Sexual

Over the game, you'll each secretly write down vibes you get from the other’s actions. At the end you'll add them all up, and if they match your attraction card, you win! Hopefully they win, too!

Just be careful not to lose too much control...

This design needs serious sensitivity consultation

An 18 card semi cooperative flip and write

Codesigner - Shanti

Closer was designed for the 18 card Gen Can't flip & write contest.

Ready to play

Playable, Deferred Design

Component Requirements
Standard Cards
Small Scorepad
Supported player count
Estimated first play time
30 Min
Suggested player age in years